Our brand world

Immerse yourself in the fascinating stories and values behind the high-quality and sustainable brands that Nordic Whispers is proud to support.

Each brand tells a unique story characterised by Nordic craftsmanship, passion and commitment to the environment.

Goodio Chocolate Factory

"Accelerating positive change with the best chocolate in the world"

Goodio is a labour of love, a commitment to promoting fairness in the chocolate industry while offering an irresistible treat made with love and care.

Their approach is characterised by radical transparency - a promise they keep to the cocoa farmers, their employees and their valued customers. With every bar of chocolate, Goodio actively promotes social justice and environmental protection by paying fair prices and using environmentally friendly packaging. Each Goodio creation is not only a treat for the palate, but also a nutritional tour de force - free from additives and suitable for people with special dietary requirements.

Goodio prides itself on making a positive impact on the chocolate industry, providing high quality, ethical chocolate that not only pleases the palate but also touches the heart.

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Hunaja Aitta

"For the love of bees"

Hunaja-Aitta is the result of a deep passion for nature and the art of beekeeping that ignited more than a decade ago. Kirsi Lehtosaari began her journey into the world of beekeeping as a hobby, always endeavouring to put the welfare of her bees first. Today, Kirsi Lehtosaari and her partner Pasi Vainionpää run the company with a shared mission: to bring the voice of bees to the outside world and honour their importance to our ecosystem.

Hunaja-Aitta is not just a beekeeping company, but a living expression of quality, purity and commitment to responsible beekeeping. With a rich range of products, all made from pure Finnish honey, and a strong focus on innovation and sustainability, their mission is crystal clear: to strengthen the reputation of Finnish honey both in Finland and worldwide and to celebrate the unrivalled beauty of the bee world.

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"Plant escalations, green fiddling magic and other "marvellous things"

From our very first encounter on Instagram (I wanted to get two natural Finnish soaps for my Äiti & Mummo), I realised that Lina is a very special soul. With her grounded, uncomplicated and cheerful manner, she radiates a unique aura. She conjures up her soaps, amulets and talismans with sheer effortless ease. Lina's creations are not just products, but true works of art that bear witness to her deep connection with nature and the wild beauty of Finland and Switzerland.

With her (half) Finnish roots, Lina is an indispensable addition to the Nordic Whispers range. Her products carry the essence of the Nordic wilderness and capture the magic and power of nature in an unrivalled way. And I'm sure that there are still countless ideas slumbering in her creative mind, waiting to be discovered, tested and realised.

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"Wooden creations from the forests of Finland"

The Lovi brand passionately pursues a mission that goes far beyond mere business interests: the protection of our beloved nature. For Lovi, sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a deeply rooted value that permeates every aspect of their business. Her heart beats for the beauty of the environment, and she works tirelessly to ensure that this beauty is preserved and protected.

From the vast forests of northern Finland to the picturesque landscapes that make our world so unique, Lovi strives to offer eco-friendly products that are not only beautiful to look at from the outside, but also touch the soul. Their aim is to create a world where sustainability and aesthetics go hand in hand, where every purchase is not only an investment in a product but also in the future of our planet.

With a strong focus on using organic and renewable materials, especially wood from their own forests, Lovi is committed to quality and longevity. Their products are manufactured in their own small factory in Northern Finland, where every detail is carefully checked and every process is continuously improved to minimise environmental impact.

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pure nordic

"Hand-picked from Finland's pure, wild forests - an exquisite selection of superfoods just for you"

pure nordic is not just a brand - it is a declaration of love for the Nordic way of life and unspoilt nature. Behind Pure Nordic is Eva, a Finnish Swede from sun-drenched Sibbo, Finland. Her passion for family, food and the beauty of nature characterises every aspect of her work.

With her roots deeply rooted in Ostrobothnia, Finland, and her love for Switzerland, Eva founded pure nordic in 2017. What started as a small business with dried berry powders has evolved over the years into a wide range of Finnish superfoods. Eva's goal is to make healthy eating accessible to everyone and share the values of the Nordic way of life. In 2021, pure nordic ventured back to Finland, where the products are packaged and then delivered to Switzerland.

I met Eva for the first time in 2021 at the spring market of the "Schweizer Freunde Finnlands" (SVFF) and I already knew then; if I ever set up a shop with Nordic products - pure nordic is a must have!

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"Simply a no brainer"

Raw Culture is not just a kombucha brewery from Vejle, Denmark - it's a passionate mission to create the world's most delicious kombucha without compromise. Founded four years ago, the journey picked up speed during the corona lockdown in October 2020 when the company was given the opportunity to use the kitchen of the local Michelin restaurant (MeMu).

With a firm goal in mind to develop a kombucha of unparalleled flavour, the team dedicated almost a year to fine-tuning flavours and perfecting recipes. The result? A product that is not only delicious, but also preserves the valuable properties of kombucha.

Since then Raw Culture has established itself as synonymous with premium quality in the catering industry and has rapidly expanded to other parts of Denmark. With a larger production facility, investors behind it and a highly motivated team, Raw Culture is ready to grow further and prove that good decisions are often the easiest.

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Schöttinger Chocolate

"Schöttinger chocolate: a timeless pleasure, a family heritage and a joy that lasts for generations"

There is a story of pure indulgence in the cocoa-rich bites of Schöttinger chocolate. It all began in a picturesque Swedish town, where a family's passion for making exquisite chocolate led to the founding of Schöttinger Chocolate. A secret recipe has been passed down through generations, combining the finest cocoa with a tireless dedication to perfection.

When the velvety chocolate melts in your mouth, it tells stories of tradition, craftsmanship and an unrivalled commitment to sweet moments that stay in your heart. Schöttinger chocolate is more than just a treat - it is a timeless heritage that connects families and gives pleasure that lasts for generations.

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"Combining sustainability, function and beautiful design"

Since its foundation in 2009, Skargard has lived a vision that goes far beyond the production of high-quality soaps. The brand is passionate about sustainability, functionality and stunning design to provide its customers with an unrivalled skincare experience.

Surrounded by rustic boathouses and the majestic beauty of the Swedish archipelago, Skargard draws its inspiration from unspoilt nature. This unspoilt nature is not only a source of inspiration, but also a responsibility. For this reason, the brand is actively committed to protecting the environment and is committed to sustainable practices throughout its production.

Skargard's products are lovingly handcrafted and made exclusively from organic ingredients that pamper the skin with pure and natural essences. Free from parabens and allergens, the soaps offer not only a luxurious skincare experience, but also a feeling of being at one with nature.

With every purchase of a Skargard product, customers are helping to preserve the beauty of our environment while pampering their skin with the purest skincare. Immerse yourself in the world of Skargard and experience the magic of Swedish nature - pure, natural and unforgettable.

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Spices Chef

"Organic for the people"

Spices Chef is more than just a brand - it's a movement for sustainable food innovation that brings the heart of Finnish cuisine to life.

Founded in 2014, Pramod dreamed of changing the way we produce and consume food. With Spices Chef, you can not only discover delicious organic spice grinders and vegan meat alternatives, but also honour the nature they come from. Every product that Pramod and his dedicated team create is a sign of their unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability.

Because for them, food is not just food - it's a way to change the world. By making conscious choices and opting for sustainable products, we can not only indulge our own palates, but also have a positive impact on the livelihoods of farmers and producers around the world.

Join the movement and discover a world of flavours that not only touch the palate, but also the heart.

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"As intended by nature"

It was a love of nature that brought two souls together and inspired them to revitalise an old herbal business. The story of Yrttipaja began over thirty years ago in Savo and found its home in the picturesque village of Kauttua in Eura when Petri and Sari took over the business in July 2015.

For Petri and Sari, Yrttipaja is more than just a business - it is their passion and their connection to nature. They see herbs not just as products, but as the centrepiece of their lives. Their work is characterised by values such as ecology, ethics and purity, which are at the core of their business.

With their unwavering commitment, Petri and Sari aim to promote holistic wellbeing and revive the ancient traditions of using natural plants. They invite everyone to discover the beauty of our unique nature and welcome you to the fascinating world of herbs at Yrttipaja!

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Paja Handcrafts

"Ein Paar Hände, aber eine unendliche Leidenschaft"

Paja Handcrafts ist eine kleine Heimwerkstatt in Ostfinnland, Siilinjärvi.
Hinter der Werkstatt steht nur ein Paar Hände, aber eine unendliche Leidenschaft für handgefertigte und schöne Dinge.

Entdeckt die wundervoll kreierten, handgemachten Schätze von Tanja!

Folge dem Flüstern..