Frequently asked questions

Are there any shipping costs for my order?

The shipping costs vary depending on the parcel size. Shipping costs within Switzerland are waived for orders over CHF 100.

How long does the delivery take?

We try to process orders as quickly as possible.

If the products are in stock, it takes between 1-2 working days.

The dispatch time depends on the Swiss postal service and usually takes no longer than 3 working days.

What payment methods are available?

The following payment methods can be selected:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • PayPal
  • Prepayment

Currently it is not possible to order on account.

Is it possible to return ordered products?

Depending on the product type, an item can be returned at your own expense. However, this does not apply to products that cannot be returned for hygienic reasons.

The goods must be returned in perfect and unused condition, including the original packaging. We reserve the right to refuse returns at any time. The return will be refunded in the form of a voucher less the delivery costs. In the event of an exchange, only the delivery costs will be charged.

How can I get in touch with Nordic Whispers?

Fill in the contact form or contact us directly by e-mail:

You will usually receive a reply within two working days.

I wish for a specific product...

We are already hooked! Let us know which products you are missing here at Nordic Whispers and we will be happy to see if we can get them for you.

Bei weiteren Unklarheiten kontaktiere uns über das Kontaktformular. Wir freuen uns über deine Nachricht und helfen dir gerne weiter!